SEAoK is the Structural Engineers Association of Kentucky, a charter member of the National Council of Structural Engineers Association.
Structural engineers improve the personal safety and economic security of the people of Kentucky through enhanced performance of buildings and structures. These enhancements are achieved through continuing education, including collaboration and cooperation with homeowners, contractors, builders, developers and government.
This Association is established for the following purposes:
To advance the art of science of Structural Engineering.
To encourage the pursuit of excellence in engineering work, and give recognition to special achievement by our fellows.
To foster the idea that engineering services must be performed on the basis of mature practical and technical judgment, independent of commercial interest, and to assist the public in obtaining dependable structural engineering services.
To encourage engineering education.
To maintain the honor and dignity of the profession.
To enlighten the public regarding the responsibilities of the Structural Engineer.
To advance proper legislation and to oppose improper legislation affecting Structural Engineering practice.
To cooperate with other professional organizations in instances where the several groups should speak or act in matters of legislation, education, public affairs, national defense and other matters.
To cultivate social contacts within its membership by closer association and better mutual understanding.
To afford the public a reasonable assurance of the ability and integrity of its membership by requiring that those admitted shall have established and shall maintain a high professional reputation.
To promote adherence of the Code of Standard Practice of the SEAoK.
To establish the principle of equitable compensation for engineering services.
To secure uniformity of action upon the general principles herein set forth, and upon such policies as may be decided upon from time to time for the good of the profession and the public.